Friday, December 2, 2011

Spider-Man FACTS : Norman Osborn is still alive & is Immortal; his Son Harry Osborn carries on his Legacy, & Harry and Liz Allen have a son- Norman's Grandson who will become The 3rd & Final GREEN GOBLIN...

Green goblin2.jpg

Comics (2010-Present) : Ultimate Spider-Man #157

Norman Osborne still alive in the upcoming movies & 'The Amazing Spider Man' Comics in 2013.. his Son Harry Osborn continues to carry on his Legacy, & Harry and Liz Allen have a son- Norman's Grandson who will become The 3rd & Final GREEN GOBLIN... ...


Peter and MJ are back together again, and she gets pregnant with twins (a boy & a girl). Norman Osborn is still alive and has broken out of a S.H.I.E.L.D. containment facility along with Dr. Octopus, Electro, Kraven, the Vulture, Harry Osborn (his Son/Green Goblin II), and the Sandman. During Spider-Man’s second super hero training session, this time with Captain America instead of Iron Man, Cap gets called away for a big fight and tells Spider-Man not to come along. Spider-Man wanting to help out follows Cap anyway.  Meanwhile, Norman son; Harry continues seeing Liz Allen, and finally gets her pregnant. She soon discovers that it's a boy, and that one day; Harry's son will be the heir to his Grandfather's vast business empire: OSCORP!

In Detail...

Ultimate Spider-Man #157
Aug 2011: SM Title: Ultimate Spider-Man
Executive Producer: Alan Fine
Publisher: Dan Buckley
Chief Creative Officer: Joe Queseda
Editor In Chief: Axel Alonso
Senior Editor: Mark Paniccia
Assistant Editor: Sana Amanat
Writers: Brian Michael Bendis & Victor "The Iceman" Beckles
Pencils: Mark Bagley
Inker: Andy Lanning
Cover Art: Mark Bagley, Justin Ponsor
Lettering: VC's Cory Petit
Colorist: Justin Ponsor

Swinging away from the Queensborough Bridge where the Ultimates are having an epic battle, Spider-Man is agonizing over whether to stop and help out or to leave to go make sure that his family (pregnant wife) and friends are safe from Norman Osborn, who has just recently escaped from a S.H.I.E.L.D. prison. Seeing as how he is currently swinging away from the Ultimates fight Spider-Man’s mind is already made up.
Osborn, Dr. Octopus, Kraven, the Vulture, Electro, Sandman, and his son Harry (The Green Goblin II) are laying low in a random, empty New York apartment after their escape from S.H.I.E.L.D. while they watch on the news a report of what’s going on with the Ultimates. Kraven mentions that he also has a son; Kazar, who will help them stop the Ultimates, but Norman has other plans. He & Harry want to stay in New York but not everyone agrees with them. Dr. Octopus tells Norman that he’s out and that Otto and his son; "The Squid", will try to destroy Spiderman on their own.  They thank him for breaking Norman out but that he just isn’t interested in being a super villain anymore, and that he wants his son; Harry to stay as the new Green Goblin- permanantly! Otto just wants to get out of the country after destroying Spiderman, so that he can spend more time with his son and get back to being a scientist and to continue his work. He mentions that they should also kill Peter Parker, because his wife; Mary Jane is expecting twins: that they should see Spider-Man as even more of a threat, because one day his children will carry on his crimefighting legacy. It was their work that gave Peter Parker his powers, and that their sons should pledge their souls to destroying Peter and his new family!  Norman is furious that Otto wants to leave his "Sinister Seven", at this and in his rage he transforms into the Goblin and smacks Dr. Octopus out of the window to the street below where they continue their fight. The other five super villains can just look on as they know that S.H.I.E.L.D. will soon take them all down now that Otto and Norman are using their powers making them traceable.
Osborn attempts to distance himself from his Green Goblin persona after being prescribed medication. During the "Civil War" over the Superhuman Registration Act, Osborn is appointed director of the superhero team the Thunderbolts, now tasked to apprehend anyone who resists registering. During the "Secret Invasion" by the shape-shifting alien race the Skrulls, Osborn kills the Skrull queen Veranke, leader of the invasion, by shooting her. He leverages this widely publicized success in defeating the Skrulls to replace Tony Stark as director of S.H.I.E.L.D., which he in turn replaces with H.A.M.M.E.R., a paramilitary force he uses to advance his agenda. Osborn simultaneously formed an alliance called the Cabal with Doctor Doom, Emma Frost, Namor, Loki, and  Harry Osborn (Green Goblin II); his Son an loyal bodyguard, but this 'alliance' quickly falls apart when Namor and Frost betrayed the Cabal to aid the X-Men.
His attempts to exert his authority were increasingly jeopardized by various superheroes. This includes Tony Stark tricking Osborn into attacking him while Stark was suffering from brain damage in his original suit of armor- thus showing Osborn brutally assaulting a man physically and mentally incapable of even attempting to strike back-, and the New Avengers using a tracking device Osborn had planted in Luke Cage to trick Osborn into blowing up his own house. Osborn then creates a rationale to invade Asgard, claiming it poses a national security threat. During a pitched battle with several superheroes, the Sentry causes Asgard to fall to Earth. Stark removes the Iron Patriot's armor remotely, revealing a maddened Osborn wearing green facepaint with yellow paint to create a goblin-like look. He tells them they are all dead as the Void is released. Osborn knocks out Captain America and tries to escape, but is captured by Volstagg, and is incarcerated in The Raft penitentiary, where he blames his Green Goblin alter-ego for ruining his chance to protect the world.

In General...

After getting a call from pregnant wife letting him know that Norman Osborn is still alive and along with a bunch of other super villains is probably going to come calling on the Parker home, Spider-Man rushes back to Queens in order to make sure Gwen and Aunt May are safe. At home he finds that they are fine and gets them both to get in the car and get out of the city.

Overall Rating...

The action is really ramping up in this storyline but I couldn’t get past the use of the News letting everyone know what’s going on and Mary Jane continuously calling Peter to let him know something is going on in the city that needs his attention when he can’t get to a television to watch the news himself. One time is good but it’s getting old that this is the only way that the story can move forward; with MJ playing the devoted pregnant wife, and the News channel letting both superhero and super villains know where they should currently be.
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